Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Disaster

I should have reported last week...I did great last week. Exercised well and was pretty disciplined with the diet. I have finally lost all of the Christmas weight, just in time for Valentines (disaster)!
Dad also exersized his plan and did pretty well.
Then this week hit us, not so good. We both missed a day exercising. I missed my day with Richard (Simmons) but did weights and eliptical MWF. I had lunch at the Coldwater Cafe. I didn't get the spoon cake, but I did get the carrot cake!
Valentines celebration took it's toll.
Dad bought a cake for work but it wasn't needed so we had it for our Valentine's dinner. The cake is called "Italian Creme Cake". Very nice looking cake and very good tasting. We had some for dinner (we actually had Valentine's dinner on Sunday). I really enjoyed the cake. I had a small piece today. Really enjoyed that too until I checked out the nutrition facts. OOPS! That cake had 560 calories a piece (1/12) AND 28 grams of fat AND 74 grams of carb (56 of that is sugar).
Dad bought me roses instead of candy, I was very happy. But I went to the store (grandma night) Saturday night and Dad wanted some chocolate. Ester Price was on sale, it was Valentine's Day, and I couldn't resist. So with the chocolates and the cake I think it was kind of a disaster. I made heart shaped pizza and broccoli slaw and fresh strawberries. Not so bad if that cake hadn't been here. It was good!!
Also we had a ward activity Friday and Vicki H made this wonderful upside down german chocolate cake. Had a couple of helpings. Valentine's day we had some candy and by the way I love the new raspberry almond M&Ms!
So here we are the beginning of a new week. I don't feel like exercising and the day is slipping away. I will though. We will get back on track and try to undo the damage. I am getting rid of the rest of the cake I think the chocolates are already gone.
Only 3 weeks until you are back so that means I may loose another pound!!!

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