Thursday, February 19, 2009

Food-1, Jenae-0

Well, it is safe to say that I am doing horrible with the dieting thing considering that as I write this I am eating Edy's Loaded Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream! I was doing pretty well with my eating until last week. I was doing really good with exercise too. I had even lost a few pounds and could really feel that my legs and arms were already toning up. Then all of us got sick. I was so tired from being sick and taking care of a sick and non-sleeping baby that I basically did not exercise last week at all. Sam came home one night with 4 containers of ice cream because they were buy 1 get 1. Then came Mila's birthday. We had pizza, dirt cake, pop, and yes, more ice cream. I thought oh, it's ok, I'll start up again on Monday. The problem with that is that I am part of the Clean Plate Club. In fact, I very well may be the President and the most valuable member. Because we have all of this ice cream, I can't throw it away. We spent money on it so I am going to eat it! Don't worry though, I have almost finished it! I seriously have the most unhealthy relationship with food. I feel like I am always careening out of control when I am around it. Well not the stuff that I should be eating like broccoli and spinach just things like pizza and ice cream. I will get back on track though. I am going to start up my exercise again tonight, not tomorrow, tonight! I sometimes can't believe what having a baby has done to me! Sometimes I feel like I don't even recognize this new, plumper me. But right now I am looking at this little mini-person with a round cherubic face and the most beautiful blue eyes. Would I rather have her or my old body? Many days I might choose my old body, but we're having a good day today so I'll choose her. So good luck to me on this daily battle with food and fat.


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