Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am reporting my "progress". I continue to work out but this week I added 10-15 minutes of aerobic on T, TH and 5-8 more minutes on the elliptical on MWF. I did loose another pound (one of the ones I gained at Christmas and thought I lost but it came back, maybe this time it is really gone!)
However I did hurt my left wrist a couple of weeks ago and it still is bothering me (could hardly get the ole panty hose on today). So I think I will take it easy this week either less weights or not at all for a couple of days. I have been wrapping it when I use the weights. So I hope that a couple of days off will give it the time it needs. '
The diet part is hanging on. I am trying to be balanced and healthy. I do pretty well most days even this week when school was off 4 days and the base was closed twice. However we went out with Brian and Toni Friday for their birthdays. Didn't do too badly except for the chips and the ice cream in the fried cinnamon tortilla with chocolate sauce. Yesterday was Brielle's birthday and we had pizza and pasta from Pizza Hut (by the way the bacon cheese pasta is GOOD) and ice cream and cake. Not so good after all I guess!!
There is always this week. My new thought is that what I do in January will show up in June. However it's February now.

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