Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Checking In!

Well, I am happy to hear that Dad is doing well with his exercising! Mom, you are so consistent that I am sure that it will pay off for you. Me on the other hand...I do not always do so well and I am definitely not always consistent. I started the week off badly last week with a paper, an exam, and a lot of reading. So instead of exercising on Monday night, I had an emotional breakdown, and we got some Domino's pizza. Things did get better from there. I had basketball class on Tuesday and Thursday which requires some movement and I exercised for real on Friday and Saturday. I have been doing a lot better with eating a little more healthy. We have also decided not to eat after 7. That gets pretty tough sometimes! We planned out our dinners for this week in advance so hopefully that will help out with having things together in time. We did terribly Sunday though because we had a little get together with our friends Derrick and Cheryl for the Superbowl. We have decided that we will probably have one day a week as sort of a cheat day because it seems we usually eat with friends about once a week. My goals this week are to actually exercise every day and to eat breakfast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Good luck to all!


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