Thursday, February 19, 2009

Food-1, Jenae-0

Well, it is safe to say that I am doing horrible with the dieting thing considering that as I write this I am eating Edy's Loaded Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup ice cream! I was doing pretty well with my eating until last week. I was doing really good with exercise too. I had even lost a few pounds and could really feel that my legs and arms were already toning up. Then all of us got sick. I was so tired from being sick and taking care of a sick and non-sleeping baby that I basically did not exercise last week at all. Sam came home one night with 4 containers of ice cream because they were buy 1 get 1. Then came Mila's birthday. We had pizza, dirt cake, pop, and yes, more ice cream. I thought oh, it's ok, I'll start up again on Monday. The problem with that is that I am part of the Clean Plate Club. In fact, I very well may be the President and the most valuable member. Because we have all of this ice cream, I can't throw it away. We spent money on it so I am going to eat it! Don't worry though, I have almost finished it! I seriously have the most unhealthy relationship with food. I feel like I am always careening out of control when I am around it. Well not the stuff that I should be eating like broccoli and spinach just things like pizza and ice cream. I will get back on track though. I am going to start up my exercise again tonight, not tomorrow, tonight! I sometimes can't believe what having a baby has done to me! Sometimes I feel like I don't even recognize this new, plumper me. But right now I am looking at this little mini-person with a round cherubic face and the most beautiful blue eyes. Would I rather have her or my old body? Many days I might choose my old body, but we're having a good day today so I'll choose her. So good luck to me on this daily battle with food and fat.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Disaster

I should have reported last week...I did great last week. Exercised well and was pretty disciplined with the diet. I have finally lost all of the Christmas weight, just in time for Valentines (disaster)!
Dad also exersized his plan and did pretty well.
Then this week hit us, not so good. We both missed a day exercising. I missed my day with Richard (Simmons) but did weights and eliptical MWF. I had lunch at the Coldwater Cafe. I didn't get the spoon cake, but I did get the carrot cake!
Valentines celebration took it's toll.
Dad bought a cake for work but it wasn't needed so we had it for our Valentine's dinner. The cake is called "Italian Creme Cake". Very nice looking cake and very good tasting. We had some for dinner (we actually had Valentine's dinner on Sunday). I really enjoyed the cake. I had a small piece today. Really enjoyed that too until I checked out the nutrition facts. OOPS! That cake had 560 calories a piece (1/12) AND 28 grams of fat AND 74 grams of carb (56 of that is sugar).
Dad bought me roses instead of candy, I was very happy. But I went to the store (grandma night) Saturday night and Dad wanted some chocolate. Ester Price was on sale, it was Valentine's Day, and I couldn't resist. So with the chocolates and the cake I think it was kind of a disaster. I made heart shaped pizza and broccoli slaw and fresh strawberries. Not so bad if that cake hadn't been here. It was good!!
Also we had a ward activity Friday and Vicki H made this wonderful upside down german chocolate cake. Had a couple of helpings. Valentine's day we had some candy and by the way I love the new raspberry almond M&Ms!
So here we are the beginning of a new week. I don't feel like exercising and the day is slipping away. I will though. We will get back on track and try to undo the damage. I am getting rid of the rest of the cake I think the chocolates are already gone.
Only 3 weeks until you are back so that means I may loose another pound!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Checking In!

Well, I am happy to hear that Dad is doing well with his exercising! Mom, you are so consistent that I am sure that it will pay off for you. Me on the other hand...I do not always do so well and I am definitely not always consistent. I started the week off badly last week with a paper, an exam, and a lot of reading. So instead of exercising on Monday night, I had an emotional breakdown, and we got some Domino's pizza. Things did get better from there. I had basketball class on Tuesday and Thursday which requires some movement and I exercised for real on Friday and Saturday. I have been doing a lot better with eating a little more healthy. We have also decided not to eat after 7. That gets pretty tough sometimes! We planned out our dinners for this week in advance so hopefully that will help out with having things together in time. We did terribly Sunday though because we had a little get together with our friends Derrick and Cheryl for the Superbowl. We have decided that we will probably have one day a week as sort of a cheat day because it seems we usually eat with friends about once a week. My goals this week are to actually exercise every day and to eat breakfast on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Good luck to all!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dad's Report

Dad has continued to work out this week and has met his workout goal of 3 X week. But he feels his strength is less instead of more. He couldn't lift as much weight this week as usual. Probably needs to up his protein intake. I have a hard time getting his diet right. I have been impressed with his effort. What a guy, I adore him.


I am reporting my "progress". I continue to work out but this week I added 10-15 minutes of aerobic on T, TH and 5-8 more minutes on the elliptical on MWF. I did loose another pound (one of the ones I gained at Christmas and thought I lost but it came back, maybe this time it is really gone!)
However I did hurt my left wrist a couple of weeks ago and it still is bothering me (could hardly get the ole panty hose on today). So I think I will take it easy this week either less weights or not at all for a couple of days. I have been wrapping it when I use the weights. So I hope that a couple of days off will give it the time it needs. '
The diet part is hanging on. I am trying to be balanced and healthy. I do pretty well most days even this week when school was off 4 days and the base was closed twice. However we went out with Brian and Toni Friday for their birthdays. Didn't do too badly except for the chips and the ice cream in the fried cinnamon tortilla with chocolate sauce. Yesterday was Brielle's birthday and we had pizza and pasta from Pizza Hut (by the way the bacon cheese pasta is GOOD) and ice cream and cake. Not so good after all I guess!!
There is always this week. My new thought is that what I do in January will show up in June. However it's February now.