Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Start!!

As usual, we all have weight loss goals that we would like to reach this year. The purpose of this blog is so we can give each other support as we work to becoming healthier (and hopefully thinner!) this year. Post your good days, your bad days, pictures, or whatever you want. Just try to post at least once a week to keep yourself going and to update everyone on your progress.
For my personal goal, I would like to lose a minimum of 15 pounds. I had lost the majority of my baby weight by the time Mila was about a week old. Unfortunately, through a combination of exhaustion, baby blues, an extreme sweet-tooth, and plain old over-eating, I now weigh at least 10 pounds more than I did the week after giving birth! So sad! I don't fit in to any of my clothes and I hate the way I feel! I want to feel healthy and confident again.
So, good luck to me and to all of you!


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