Friday, January 9, 2009


Happy New Year!
Hopefully it will be a "happy new us"!
I am working on the same goal I have been for YEARS. I have realized that I will always have to work on the goal of being in shape and healthy there is no stopping point, it never gets crossed off the list, it is never completed.
I will continue to work out 5 days a week;
MWF: 30 minute aerobic, weights and abs; T TH: 30 minute aerobic (minimum) and abs.
I will eat healthy and balance protein and healthy carbs.
That's pretty specific. So it should be easy to determine how successful I am. Maybe the scales will move and I will have muscles! I have already lost 2 of the 6 lbs I gained this holiday.
Also on my continuing list is this HOUSE!
This is the year the poor pathetic den will get painted. I have the paint and the plans. Now I even have a husband around. My goal date is the end of February. (I am still putting Christmas decorations away)
The basement needs painting too. That's a big room. I want that done by the end of March.
We have a deadline for things and that always helps. Kelly will be home the end of April and so will Jenae and Sam, probably. I will be seeing Terra in May probably. So that will be a time of reckoning for me.
I will post every week and keep track of the progress.
I hope you all join in and post your goals and your progress. Here's to a great new year!!
Moma Sue

1 comment:

  1. Good job mom! So I'm wondering if this blog going to just be me and you! If so, that's ok too. You poor thing, I see you were up at 4:42 AM writing this post.
