Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looks Like It's Just You and Me Mom!

Well, I haven't posted in a while because it took me a couple of weeks to really get started in a consistent routine. I was doing the elliptical pretty regularly, but not much else. Sam and I ordered the P90X DVDs for me to be able to do at home. I just finished doing a workout for the third day and let me tell you, I am so sore! Pretty much everywhere hurts. I already feel better that I am at least doing something. I am not doing really great with what I eat though so I probably won't see results as soon as I could. Today I made the cheesecake chocolate chip cookie bars for my research class and I had a few pieces. They were cut pretty small since I cut the pan into 24 pieces, but still I think I might have had 3. Which means I ate 1/8 of the pan. Right now you're probably thinking that I must have taken College Algebra last semester and gotten a B+. Well right you are! Actually I probably am worse at not eating enough. The mornings are just so crazy that I hardly ever have anything to eat until about lunch time, which I know isn't good. Well that's about all for now. I need to get to bed.


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