Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dad's Goals

I am writing for Dad.
These are his goals:
Weight 165
Exercise 3x/week
No eating after 9pm

So far he has exercised every week and has done quite well with the 9pm eating, hopefully the 165 will come along too.

Mom's Report

I am reporting on my progress...I haven't made any! I guess that isn't exactly true. I am faithfully doing my exercise but I am having trouble with the abs. I have been eating basically good but not great. We had a wonderful dinner with the Chrisman's and Heap's Friday. Had the best Salmon ever and the dessert- creme' brulee was also fabulous! And I made homemade bread tonight. Nothing seems to be improving. I have lost some body fat.
This is a new week so I hope I will actually see some improvement.
Good Luck to you!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looks Like It's Just You and Me Mom!

Well, I haven't posted in a while because it took me a couple of weeks to really get started in a consistent routine. I was doing the elliptical pretty regularly, but not much else. Sam and I ordered the P90X DVDs for me to be able to do at home. I just finished doing a workout for the third day and let me tell you, I am so sore! Pretty much everywhere hurts. I already feel better that I am at least doing something. I am not doing really great with what I eat though so I probably won't see results as soon as I could. Today I made the cheesecake chocolate chip cookie bars for my research class and I had a few pieces. They were cut pretty small since I cut the pan into 24 pieces, but still I think I might have had 3. Which means I ate 1/8 of the pan. Right now you're probably thinking that I must have taken College Algebra last semester and gotten a B+. Well right you are! Actually I probably am worse at not eating enough. The mornings are just so crazy that I hardly ever have anything to eat until about lunch time, which I know isn't good. Well that's about all for now. I need to get to bed.


Friday, January 9, 2009


Happy New Year!
Hopefully it will be a "happy new us"!
I am working on the same goal I have been for YEARS. I have realized that I will always have to work on the goal of being in shape and healthy there is no stopping point, it never gets crossed off the list, it is never completed.
I will continue to work out 5 days a week;
MWF: 30 minute aerobic, weights and abs; T TH: 30 minute aerobic (minimum) and abs.
I will eat healthy and balance protein and healthy carbs.
That's pretty specific. So it should be easy to determine how successful I am. Maybe the scales will move and I will have muscles! I have already lost 2 of the 6 lbs I gained this holiday.
Also on my continuing list is this HOUSE!
This is the year the poor pathetic den will get painted. I have the paint and the plans. Now I even have a husband around. My goal date is the end of February. (I am still putting Christmas decorations away)
The basement needs painting too. That's a big room. I want that done by the end of March.
We have a deadline for things and that always helps. Kelly will be home the end of April and so will Jenae and Sam, probably. I will be seeing Terra in May probably. So that will be a time of reckoning for me.
I will post every week and keep track of the progress.
I hope you all join in and post your goals and your progress. Here's to a great new year!!
Moma Sue

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year, New Start!!

As usual, we all have weight loss goals that we would like to reach this year. The purpose of this blog is so we can give each other support as we work to becoming healthier (and hopefully thinner!) this year. Post your good days, your bad days, pictures, or whatever you want. Just try to post at least once a week to keep yourself going and to update everyone on your progress.
For my personal goal, I would like to lose a minimum of 15 pounds. I had lost the majority of my baby weight by the time Mila was about a week old. Unfortunately, through a combination of exhaustion, baby blues, an extreme sweet-tooth, and plain old over-eating, I now weigh at least 10 pounds more than I did the week after giving birth! So sad! I don't fit in to any of my clothes and I hate the way I feel! I want to feel healthy and confident again.
So, good luck to me and to all of you!
