Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yes, I'm Still Alive

Mom you have been so good at keeping up with your posts! I have not been good at posting, at eating well, or at exercising. With this last bit of school to get through I do not have a whole lot of time. Before, I was worrying so much about getting my exercise in that I was getting to bed really late and not getting as much homework done. So I decided that I really just needed to concentrate on getting my work done, especially this big research paper due so soon, and getting enough sleep. I will focus more on diet and exercise when the semester ends and I have time to do things other than read, go to class, and take care of Mila. I feel like if I can get into some good routines this summer and get into good enough shape that I don't completely hate exercising, then it will be easier to keep it up. Maintaining is a little easier. Well I better get to work while Mila is taking a nap, or maybe I will take one too! I think I counted that we will see each other in 25 days. YAY!


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