Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Report

I think I will report in every Monday.

I am trying to cut out sugar. No sweets and nothing with more than 6 grams of sugar. I started last week and did pretty well. Even made it through the yummy cake at RS. Yesterday we celebrated James' b-day. All we had was cake and ice cream. Erin made his favorite strawberry cake with strawberry icing and strawberry ice cream. It was good. He waited until Sunday to have the cake so we could be there. It was a nice time.

Then we went to BYD/BYC and there were some pretty good looking treats but I had done enough damage and wasn't really tempted.

This week I don't have any birthdays so I should be fine.

I am still exercising and have added walking with the nice weather.

As far as the other goals, like the painting in the house. No change in the den but it I did get it painted in Feb. It's not looking good for the basement. I planned to have that painted in March.

We are beginning to do things outside. Dad cut the tree up and tonight for FHE we're actually going to move it. It takes us so long to get anything done. But last night Dad changed our Dish programs. They kept increasing the price and he keeps feeling like he is wasting so much time with History channel and HGTV that we changed to the family special. It's half what we pay now and half the temptation. The only channel it doesn't have that I will miss is CNBC and I can live without that, I only watch it a few minutes here and there anyway. So maybe we will be getting things done! We do have 2 Hallmark channels now and I am a sucker for a good movie.

Till next sugar, improve eating in general and keep exercising.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Starting Again!

Jenae I loved your last blog! After our week together I think the score is more than 1!
The struggle goes on and I am not sure who is going to win, me or the food. Right now it is the food!
I did get back into the exercise today. But I keep thinking about what Chris said, that diet is 80%. I think I flunked!
Dad is worried about his cholesterol and general health, I am too (mine and his). I think I will talk to Chris and get more of the details. Sam said that Sophia lost 10lbs in 2 months. That makes me hopeful.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day...yes RS Birthday dinner!!
I am not sure what will turn things around for me. My trainer kept saying "find your why". Apparently it is missing.